“Mental health” is something that is not talked about enough, because it carries lots of negative idea and feelings with it, but it is becoming more common for everyday people to get help for mental health difficulties like they do medical ones. The problems you are experiencing are real, painful and can be terrible. They can lead to you getting bad grades or failing courses, fallouts and loss of friends, or conflict with your parents and siblings. But the important thing to remember is you are not the only one and you are not alone. Millions of people struggle with mental health difficulties every day and millions recover every day. Some of the signs that may point to you needing to seek help are listed below:
If you are troubled by feeling:
angry all the time, crying a lot or overreacting to things;
worthless or guilty a lot;
anxious or worried a lot more than other teens you know;
grief for a long time after a loss or death;
extremely fearful or have unexplained fears more than other teens you know;
constantly concerned about physical problems or your appearance;
frightened that your mind is controlled or is out of control.
If you have experienced big changes, for example:
a sudden drop in your grades;
lose of interest in things you usually enjoy;
unexplained changes in your sleeping or eating patterns;
want to be alone all the time and avoid your friends and/or family;
can't seem to concentrate and can't get things done;
feel that life is too hard to handle or thinking about suicide;
hearing voices that cannot be explained.
If you feel held back by:
being unable to concentrate and can't make decisions;
not being able to sit still or focus your attention;
worrying about being harmed, hurting others, or about doing something "bad";
feeling like you need to wash, clean things, or perform certain routines dozens of times a day;
having thoughts that race almost too fast to follow;
having persistent nightmares.
If you start doing things that cause problems, for example:
using alcohol or doing other drugs;
eating heaps and then forcing yourself to vomiting, abusing laxatives, or taking enemas to avoid putting on weight;
diet or doing lots of exercise although you're really thin;.
hurting other people, destroying yours or other peoples things, or breaking the law;
doing things that are unsafe or that can be life threatening.
If you think that some of this sounds like you, you can find help in lots of ways. A good first place to start is talking to a family member of friend that you trust. Though its not always a good idea to rely on a friend your age, because though they may want to help they may not be up to the pressure. You can discuss your concerns with a teacher you trust, your school counselor or your family doctor, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, social worker, religious counselor or nurse. Choosing to ask for help will be a big hurdle but once you overcome that hurdle the support of people that care will make a world of difference while you head towards that light at the end of the tunnel.
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